High School Edition
Young Money student materials are available in the guide, workbook, and simulation trio. This series supports authentic active learning (or real-life learning) style of learning that encourages students to create a tangible, useful, quality product/outcome to be shared with their world.
Young Money Guide serves as a student informational manual where financial terms are explained and shared to build everyday financial knowledge and positive money management habits.
Each Young Money topic has an engaging, meaningful activity, puzzles, word searches, or simple math computations that help foster a deeper understanding of the basics of money and money management.
Simulation booklet
Young Money Simulation Booklet is an interactive game-style activity that allows students to apply their knowledge and understanding of positive money management as the real-world concept of living on a day-to-day basis. The concept is simple and direct, dealing with paying bills, making knowledgeable decisions, and understating life from different social class aspects.
Here are some topics covered in this guide: Assets/Liabilities, APR, Credit Score, and Investing
You'll receive High School Guide, Activity Workbook or Simulation Game Booklet